Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All Wrapped Up

Admittedly, I am a bit of a Christmas junkie. I start decorating the house and playing the Christmas carols before the first snowflake hits the ground. I can hardly wait to say the first 'Merry Christmas' of the season. I love holiday parties with eggnog, shortbread and all the tasty mini-foods. I look forward to Christmas shopping and evenings of wrapping gifts while watching holiday movies. I actually LOVE wrapping gifts. All the colourful paper, shiny ribbons and festive tags puts me in the merriest of moods.

I realize that not all people feel this way about gift wrapping, that's why department stores and malls offer a gift wrapping service. Recently, my uncle visited one of those counters to have my aunt's gift wrapped. Now I don't know all the details of the incident but I know that black wrapping paper, a holiday melt down and an invitation for my uncle to NOT visit the wrapping counter again were key elements. Sorry you had a rough time, uncle...this one's for you!

Love Actually - Shopping at the Jewelry Counter

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