Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day Jitters

Today is Christmas morning!

Its not, but it kind of is. Its almost the same thing though. You are full of anticipation in the days leading up to it, you get a bunch of clothes you didn't really want and before you know it its all over. It's the first day of school!

This Random Bunch handled the morning like champs. Everyone got up and did their thing and made it school on time; no tears, no fuss ... let's hope everyday goes this smoothly. Dude sauntered into the middle school like a pro, flipping his golden locks as he passed a group of seventh grade girls who were hanging out by the door. Crafty found a gaggle of girls and they cackled their way into their classrooms as soon as the bell rung and Mischief gave me kisses and said good bye at least half a dozen times. I think he forgot he was just going into grade two and not off to war!

This year was more of the same for my crew but my cousin's son is entering the unknown world of high school this year. This morning C shaped his faux-hawk, grabbed an armload of binders and marched himself into the hormone crazed hallways of High School. I can't believe it! I can't believe that that chubby little baby, that sweet toddler boy, that mischievous little guy has grown into this funny, generous, confident and kind pre-man! I'm sure he'll do great today!

I remember my first day of high school. I was so worried that I wouldn't know anyone and I would be condemned to wander the halls alone for all eternity ... but it all worked out, eventually. I think the key was calming down enough to make a decent first impression. I was very careful to not let all my dorkdom out at once and I think that helped. But sometimes, when you are making a first impression, its not your dorkiness you have to worry about ... its your family's!

Hope your first day was better than this poor guy's, C!

Happy First Day of School, Everyone!

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You!
~Dr. Suess

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